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The blast furnace

The blast furnace is used industrially to extract iron from its ore. Most of the iron produced from the blast furnace is usually turned into steel. The diagram below shows the main parts of the blast furnace with a brief description of what they do.

Labelled 3d diagram of a blast furnace

Iron ore, mostly haematite (Iron oxide) is mixed with coke and limestone and dropped into the top of the blast furnace on a regular basis. This mixture called charge is fed in by conveyor belts or dropped in by carts. The blast furnace operates 24 hours a day, 365 days an year and is never allowed to cool down; it would simply take too long and be very expensive to shut down the furnace and restart it again. Below is an outline of how iron is extracted from its ore; haematite in a blast furnace.

cross section of a blast furnace

  1. Crushed iron ore (haematite), coke and limestone are added to the top of the furnace.
  2. The fuel for the blast furnace is coke. Coke is made by heating coal in the absence of air. The solid which is left has a very high carbon content and burns at a high temperature. The coke (carbon) reacts with the hot air blasted in from the tuyeres, these are large pipes or tubes which surround the bottom of the furnace and through which hot air is blasted into the furnace. The coke reacts or combusts with the oxygen present in the air to form carbon dioxide gas, this reaction also releases lots of heat and the temperature is around 14000C.
    C(s) + O2(g) CO2(g)
  3. The hot carbon dioxide gas (CO2) gas formed in above reaction rises up through the blast furnace and reacts with more coke (carbon) to form carbon monoxide gas (CO). The carbon dioxide is reduced and the carbon is oxidised in this reaction.
    CO2(g) + C(s)CO(g)
  4. The CO gas then reacts with the iron ore (haematite) which was added from the top of the furnace, but sinks slowly down the furnace.
    Fe2O3(s) + 3CO(g)2Fe(l) + 3CO2(g)
    The carbon monoxide (CO ) gas reduces the iron oxide to iron and the CO gas is oxidised to CO2. It is hot enough inside the furnace to melt the iron which is formed.
  5. The iron ore (haematite) is mainly iron oxide but it contains a number of impurities; mainly acidic impurities like silicon dioxide (silica or sand). These impurities if not removed would quickly block up the furnace. The limestone (calcium carbonate) which was one of the ingredients in the charge added to the top of the blast furnace takes care of these impurities. The calcium carbonate will decompose due to the heat in the furnace to form the basic substance calcium oxide:
    calcium carbonate(s) calcium oxide(s) + carbon dioxide(g)
    CaCO3(s) CaO(s) + CO2(g)
    The calcium oxide (CaO) being a basic substance will react with the acidic silica impurities present in the iron ore
    calcium oxide(s) + silica(s) calcium silicate(s)
    CaO(s) + SiO2(g) CaSiO3(s)

    The waste product calcium silicate or slag is used in the road building and construction industries. It is a fairly dense material and sinks down through the furnace. When it reaches almost to the base of the blast furnace it is removed daily and collected in large pits, where it cools and solidifies. It is then sold to the construction and building industries. One of its main uses is to make beese blocks for house building.
  6. The liquid iron produced in step 4 is dense (heavy) and sinks to the bottom of the furnace. It is tapped off and run into a torpedo shaped railway wagon before being transported to the steel works. The iron produced from the blast furnace is called pig iron. Pig iron has a high carbon content; typically between 3-5% and this unfortunately makes the iron brittle. The carbon content of this iron is lowered at the steel works.
  7. The waste gases carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide from the reactions taking place inside the blast furnace rise up to top of the furnace and enter the large extraction ducts, labelled 8 in the diagram opposite. Nitrogen, the unreactive gas from the air also rises up through the furnace to the extractor ducts.
  8. This mixture of gases that enter the extractor ducts which consists of impurities, fine particles is mainly carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and nitrogen (the main gas present in the air blasted in at the bottom of the furnace, nitrogen is very unreactive and passes through the furnace unchanged), these gases next enter the scrubbers where they are cleaned. The carbon monoxide gas is flammable and can be burned to heat the stoves and also to generate electricity.
  9. The molten iron is run off from the furnace base and transported in large torpedo shaped railway wagons holding many hundreds of tonnes of molten iron on its way to the steel works.

The next steps........

So far we have seen that it is possible to extract metals from their ores using hydrogen and carbon or carbon monoxide as reducing agents. However how do you extract a metal above carbon in the reactivity series? For example if you try to extract aluminium from its ore, bauxite, by heating with carbon or carbon monoxide or hydrogen as shown below the reactions fail and no aluminium metal is formed:

aluminium oxide(s) + carbon(s) → no reaction
aluminium oxide(s) + carbon monoxide(g) → no reaction
aluminium oxide(s) + hydrogen (g) → no reaction
Unfortunately all these reactions FAIL. Aluminium is too reactive a metal to be extracted by any of the methods above. None of them provide enough energy to remove aluminium from its ore. What is needed is a method which can supply large amounts of energy to break the very strong bonds between highly reactive metal and non-metal present in metal ores. The method used is electrolysis.

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